It seemed like Laurie had more going for her than the average person. Life should have been a joy for her. But something went very wrong. She was unable to make it big in the tricky music business. Her love life was complicated and didn't seem to be working out in a way she hoped it would. She began seeking something she really couldn't define. She kept reaching for something she was unable to grasp, not with her hands but with her heart.
It was in April 1977 that she said goodbye and went off on her journey, escaping the fears that began to surround her and interfere in her life. One month later, her abandoned Volkswagen Beetle was found near Matagami, Canada,
in Quebec Province, in what is considered the wilds of sub-arctic Canada.
Missing in Matagami is based on a true cold case.
It is a must read for armchair sleuths, investigators of every type, and professional law enforcement officers.
She was an intelligent, driven woman who finished college at Duke University in two and one-half years, graduating Magna Cum Laude with a double major in Russian and Spanish. She was also an accomplished musician and a gifted song writer, possessing a beautiful soprano voice that complimented her amazing talent. Her quest was to make it big in the entertainment business and she pursued those efforts in Austin, Texas and
in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Laurie Baier, a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty had everything going for her, including a supportive, loving family. Never reticent about a new adventure, and being one who made friends easily, Laurie enjoyed living life in cooperative housing with like souls who preferred a more hippie lifestyle.
Laurie cared about underprivileged children and tried making their lives more tolerable with her music. She was an advocate for the environment, very concerned about the expected proliferation of nuclear power plants being built in the 1970's.